Category: News

  • We Also Write Fiction: Thiside, Vol. 1, Coming Soon

    We Also Write Fiction: Thiside, Vol. 1, Coming Soon

    In a little side foray that I think you’ll all appreciate, I’d like to announce the publication of our first speculative fiction anthology, “Thiside of Anywhere”! That’s not to say that I haven’t been making all kinds of other weird things, but… oh, I guess it’s been a long enough minute that I should bring…

  • Magic Is What You Make



    Alchemy was the father (or grandfather, depending on who you ask) to almost all of the modern sciences. Chemistry, geology, thermodynamics, and even physics started somewhere near an alchemist’s lab. It wasn’t just about turning lead into gold, either – that was just a popular myth because it was something that people could relate to.…